New Member Education Resources
Effective new member education provides a foundation of education about the fraternity & sorority organization’s purpose, values, and current realities and allows members to make meaning of their role in the organization. The selection of new members and the ways in which fraternities and sororities educate and prepare these new members for a lifetime of involvement in a fraternity and sorority is the lifeblood of Greek-Lettered organizations. Chapters should diligently examine when and how intake or recruitment is conducted as well as the practices by which interested members are prepared for membership.
For more information about any of the resources below, contact Armando Rijo, Assistant Director of Fraternity & Sorority Life at [email protected].
New Member Expectations
For any incoming new member to appear on your chapter’s roster, they must complete this online Membership Information Form located on MSU Denver’s student organization hub, RoadrunnerLink. All incoming new members must complete this form within one (1) week of officially beginning an intake or new member process an also complete the Hazing 101 Prevention Module.
Current Member Resources
Funding Assistance
Metropolitan State University of Denver Student Government: The Student Advocacy Council provides two financial resources to registered student organizations: Recruiting and Promotional Funding and Campus Events Funding. Make sure to read MSU Denver’s Student Organization Funding Program Handbook for further information located on your RoadrunnerLink.
For more information about Funding Assistance, contact [email protected]
Chapter Leader’s Manual
CMEI Fraternity & Sorority Life has prepared a comprehensive guide for all chapter leaders to utilize in their onboarding and training of members. This guide covers various resources that MSU Denver and Auraria offers from funding to room reservations to best practices. You can access the manual here and on RoadRunnerLink!
Learn More About Campus Resources
Funds are available to assist you in promoting your organization and recruiting new members. Because the funding tends to run out quickly, please shop around and get a quote from few different vendors in order to receive the best possible price. Covered Expenses including but not limited to:
- Clothing Items
- Banners
- Table Skirts
- Water bottles/ Coffee Mugs
- Canopies
- Print and Web Advertisements
- Business Cards
- Lanyards
Submit a Common Funding Application.
Campus Events Funding is available to active student organizations that need funding assistance for their programs and events that are held on the Auraria Campus. Expenses covered but not limited to:
- Facility rental
- Food/Beverage/Catering
- Decorations
- Speaker Transportation & Lodging
- Honorarium (Speaker fees)
- Event Promotional Materials
- Awards/Frames
- Security (Non-alcohol events only)
Submit a Common Funding Application.
Auraria Campus Event Services (ACES) is a part of the Auraria Higher Education Center (AHEC) which is a separate state entity whose role is to provide and manage shared services, facilities, and property to support these prominent institutions in achieving their goals. The collective student population is approximately 42,000, with an additional 5,000 faculty and staff.
Room and Table Reservation:
- All room and table reservations must be made through ACES/AHEC.
The CMEI provides all registered Student Organizations (including Fraternity & Sorority Chapters) with a package of basic office supplies once per year at no charge.
Hazing Prevention Resources
Metropolitan State University of Denver is host to numerous student resources connected to hazing prevention. Below are a range of resources for our fraternity & sorority chapters and individuals on hazing prevention related topics. The information below includes how our chapters and individuals might identify, report and prevent hazing in our spaces.
For more information about any of the resources below, contact [email protected].
Hazing Defined
MSU Denver’s Student Code of Conduct defines hazing as:
“The term “Hazing” is defined as an act that endangers the mental or physical health or safety of a student, or that destroys or removes public or private property for the purpose of initiation, admission into, affiliation with, or as a condition for continued membership in a group or organization. Hazing can be defined further as any action that produces physical discomfort, embarrassment, harassment, or ridicule.”
For more information about hazing definitions, view the MSU Denver Student Code of Conduct or the Colorado Revised Statues.
Hazing Prevention 101 Module
Chapters and individuals have the opportunity to partake and utilize this Hazing Prevention 101 Module’s at no cost. It is highly recommended from the Fraternity & Sorority Life Team for all new members who participate in intake and or a new member education process to complete the following two online hazing prevention modules.
In-Person Hazing Prevention Workshop
Chapters may also request for Armando Rijo, Assistant Director of Fraternity & Sorority Life and Student Government to host an in-person Hazing Prevention Workshop. Email Armando Rijo at [email protected] at least three (3) weeks ahead of time to plan appropriately.
Steps for Hazing Prevention 101 Modules
Hazing Prevention 101 is a one-hour awareness course educating students on how to recognize, prevent and report hazing. The real-life scenarios prepare students, group members and bystanders to make informed decisions, ultimately empowering them to prevent hazing.
The Fraternity & Sorority Life Module is an extension of the prerequisite course, Hazing Prevention: It’s Everyone’s Responsibility 101™, designed for university students in fraternities and sororities. This 35-minute module dives deeper into the specific needs of fraternity and sorority life.
- Go to enter the access code 9171bf, then click Redeem.
- Create a new account.
- Fill in the form fields, agree to the Privacy Policy and click the Submit
- Using the hyperlink, sign in with the email and password used to create your account.
Please complete the course in its entirety. Save and print the certificate of completion — this your record for completing the course.
Report Hazing
Clicking the link below takes you to a secure and anonymous area where you can tell MSU Denver administrators about any activity that may be hazing. If you are willing to receive follow-up questions about your report, you should include contact information in your report. Your personal information will not be released or discussed with organizations being reported for hazing.
Fraternity & Sorority Life Polices
Recognition is the formal process by which Metropolitan State University of Denver agrees that a particular social fraternity or sorority may function as a recognized organization on campus, recruit members, and enjoy the benefits associated with being a registered student organization.
Recognition as an MSU Denver fraternity or sorority involves meeting minimum expectations and benefitting from services and opportunities provided by the Center for Multicultural Engagement and Inclusion and MSU Denver.
The purpose of this recognition policy is to ensure that the establishment of fraternities and sororities occurs in a manner conducive to the educational mission of MSU Denver, including carefully developed plans for successful establishment and installation, as well as plans for providing a meaningful and rewarding experience for the students choosing to join a fraternity and sorority community.
Fraternity & Sorority Chapters must follow the fiscal policies outlined in the Student Organization Handbook located on RoadrunnerLink. Each fraternity and sorority can choose to use an on-campus account for organization finances or use an off-campus account, including those affiliated with an inter/ national organization. Chapters selecting an on-campus account will follow MSU Denver fiscal policies.
On-Campus Requirements
- The Office of the Controller oversees fiscal policies and procedures for MSU Denver accounts. Organizations with on-campus accounts can access deposit forms and other financial documents on the Office of the Controller website.
Fraternity & Sorority Chapters must work diligently to follow all federal and local laws related to alcohol, drugs, and including marijuana. The fraternity or sorority chapter is responsible for structuring and coordinating programs and events in accordance with these laws as well as guidelines from national organizations.
Fraternity & Sorority Life currently follows MSU Denver’s Student Organization Alcohol Policy. If a fraternity & Sorority Chapter decide to host an event with Alcohol, the chapter must submit a Third Party Vendor Event Registration via RoadrunnerLink.
For more information about any of the resources below, contact Armando Rijo, Assistant Director of Fraternity & Sorority Life and Student Government at [email protected]
Learn more about the Accreditation Model here.
Sample Programming Report – COMING SOON
For more information in the meantime, contact [email protected]
For information and resources on Sexual Misconduct & Title IX visit our Dean of Students webpage on Sexual Misconduct/Title IX or the University Policy Library.
To report an allegation of sexual misconduct related to Title IX please click below to file a report:
Report an Allegation of Sexual Misconduct related to Title IX
The Multicultural Greek Council, National Pan-Hellenic Council, and Interfraternity Council will follow the following MSU Denver CMEIFSL Expansion Policy.
The Panhellenic Council follows the process for Extension as outlined by the National Panhellenic Association. More information about the NPC Extension Process can be found here. MSU Denver’s Panhellenic Association is not open for Extension at this time.
If you have any questions or want to inquire, please contact us at [email protected]
Center for Multicultural Engagement and Inclusion (CMEI)
Questions? Contact CMEI
Learn More About CMEIPhone:
Mailing Address:
Campus Box 39, P.O. Box 173362, Denver, CO 80217-3362